湖东车辆段每日段修车 30辆 ,日需检修、试验各类制动配件 12 0件 ,再加上列检运用的维修需求 ,制动配件检修作业量更大 ,用原有制动配件试验台进行作业 ,普通车型管螺纹连接的折角塞门、缓解阀、安全阀的性能试验仍沿用手工连接紧固的方式 ,连接、试验、拆卸 3个动作均需手工
Hu Dong depot daily repair 30 vehicles, on-demand overhaul, test all types of brake parts 12 0, plus inspection requirements for maintenance, brake parts overhaul workload greater, with the original brake Accessories test-bed work, ordinary models of threaded pipe threaded plug door, relief valve, safety valve performance test is still used to connect the fastening method, the connection, testing, demolition of the three actions are required by hand