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“展望下世纪,我们的目标是,第一个十年实现国民生产总值比二○○○年翻一番,使人民的小康生活更加宽裕,形成比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制;再经过十年的努力,到建党一百年时,使国民经济更加发展,各项制度更加完善;到世纪中叶建国一百年时,基本实现现代化,建成富强民主 "Looking to the next century, our goal is to double our GNP in 2000 to make it more prosperous for the well-off life of our people in the first decade and create a relatively perfect socialist market economic system. After another During the one-year effort of establishing the CPC for a hundred years, the national economy has been further developed and various systems have been perfected. By the mid-century, when one hundred years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China were established, modernization was basically achieved and democracy and strong democracy were built