
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cderfvbgtyhnmj
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伴随着城镇化进程的提速,黄土地区由于工程切坡诱发了大量的工程滑坡。为了研究典型工程黄土滑坡的成因机制,以宝鸡市扶风县飞凤山滑坡为例,开展了野外地质灾害详细调查,同时进行原位渗水试验和原状黄土、古土壤试样土-水特征曲线测试。试验结果表明:当黄土存在小孔洞等结构性问题时,渗透系数可达10~(-4) cm/s量级,为中等渗透性等级;土-水特征曲线试验求得古土壤的进气值为11.5 k Pa,大于黄土的9.0 k Pa,同时曲线也显示了古土壤和黄土干湿交替过程中,强度和变形的演化出现分化。在试验结果分析基础上,指出工程切坡是滑坡发生的主要诱发因素,由此触发了土体一系列物理化学链锁反应,尤其是强化了土-水耦合作用的影响,催化了滑坡的发生。最后,提出了飞凤山滑坡的破坏模式为滑带双向发展、兼具滑塌灾害部分典型地质特征的渐进式破坏。 With the speeding up of the urbanization process, a large number of engineering landslides are induced in the loess area due to the engineering slope cutting. In order to study the genesis mechanism of typical engineering loess landslide, a case study of Feifengshan landslide in Fufeng County of Baoji City was carried out to conduct a detailed investigation of the geologic hazards in the field. At the same time, in situ seepage test and soil-water characteristic curve test of undisturbed loess and paleosol samples . The results show that when the loess has structural problems such as small holes, the permeability coefficient can reach 10 ~ (-4) cm / s, which is of medium permeability grade. The soil-water characteristic curve test obtained the ancient soil inlet The value is 11.5 k Pa, which is larger than that of loess 9.0 kPa. The curve also shows the differentiation of strength and deformation during the alternation of paleosol and loess. Based on the analysis of test results, it is pointed out that engineering slope cutting is the main inducing factor of landslide, which triggers a series of physicochemical chain-lock reactions, especially the effect of soil-water coupling and the catalysis of landslide occurrence . Finally, it is proposed that the failure mode of Feifengshan landslide is a two-way development of landslide with the progressive destruction of some typical geological features of the landslide disaster.
<正> 早在十九世纪末,就有人注意到人的胃粘膜组织中存在一种螺旋形细菌,其后陆续有类似报道,但均未引起人们重视。1983年Warren和Marshall报告,从人胃粘膜活检组织中分离出
总结了同济大学附属第十人民医院24 h内将医院日间手术中心改建成疑似新型冠状病毒肺炎患者应急留观病房的管理经验,通过前期准备、合理布局、规范物资领取、加强岗位管理、
大多数持续肝功能异常的病人可根据临床、血清学等检测明确病因。此研究分析因肝酶学异常而临床、生化及血清学检查不能确定病因而作肝活检者的最后诊断。 病人与方法:从107