一、散曲史论与文论的主要话题 散曲之所以能够独立成学,首先是因为除了文学本身之外,还广泛地与文献学、历史学、古代戏曲学、古代音乐学、近代语言(包括音韵、语法与词汇)学以及由音乐语言学所构成的格律学等诸多学科直接关联,内容十分广博。其中有关散曲的历史研究与对于文本的批评阐释则居于研究的本体或终极地位,事实上也构成了20世纪散曲学的重头或主体,呈现着极为丰富复杂的形态。因此,有必要从中挑选几个热门话题予以总结评介。
First, the main topic of Sanqu theory and literary theory Sanqu can independently become a student, first of all because in addition to the literature itself, but also extensively with the literature, history, ancient drama, ancient music, modern languages (including Phonology, grammar and vocabulary), as well as the formation of music linguistics and many other discipline disciplines directly related to the content is very broad. The historical study of Sanqu and the critique of the texts are in the noumenon or the ultimate position of the research. In fact, they also constitute the main body or the main body of the 20th century’s Sanqu School, presenting an extremely rich and complex form. Therefore, it is necessary to select a few hot topics to summarize.