目的:探讨地方性氟中毒病区和非病区儿童中总摄氟量水平,为评价氟对人体健康效应及地方性氟中毒综合防治措施的制定提供依据。方法:选择地方性氟中毒重病区瓦庙村,以及非病区新淮村为调查点,两村所有8~13岁在校学生为调查对象。采用询问法和称量法相结合计算儿童每人每天的总摄氟量。结果:两村的饮水氟含量、米饭和馒头中的氟含量差异有统计学意义,蔬菜中氟含量差异无统计学意义。病区村儿童日平均总摄氟量(3.05±0.99 mg/人日)显著高于非病区村(0.78±0.13 mg/人日),病区村儿童日平均总摄氟量远超过国家标准。结论:病区村儿童的高氟摄入情况仍比较严重。
Objective: To investigate the total fluoride intake in endemic fluorosis and non-endemic children and to provide basis for evaluating the effect of fluorine on human health and the formulation of comprehensive prevention and control measures of endemic fluorosis. Methods: We selected Wamiao Village, a endemic fluorosis area, and Xinhuai Village, a non-ward, as the survey sites. All students aged 8 to 13 in the two villages were investigated. Using a combination of interrogation and weighing methods, the total amount of fluoride taken per day per child was calculated. Results: There were significant differences in fluorine content in drinking water and fluorine content in rice and steamed bread between two villages. There was no significant difference in fluoride content in vegetables between the two villages. The average daily fluoride exposure (3.05 ± 0.99 mg / person-day) in children in ward villages was significantly higher than that in non-ward villages (0.78 ± 0.13 mg / person day). The average daily fluoride exposure of children in ward far exceeded the national standard . Conclusion: High fluoride intake of children in ward villages is still serious.