面部护养 在春季,人的面部常会变得干燥,主要是因为气温低,使皮脂腺、汗腺分泌减少,缺乏滋润所致。同时,还会发生过敏现象。如皮肤发红或脱皮,甚至伴有发痒和刺痛感,较严重的还会起红疹等。 护养方法 1 皮肤经常发红且有灼热感者,要先用毛巾冷敷,然后再用性质温和的润肤霜均匀涂抹于面部,稍等片刻,发红现象即有所减轻。 2 皮肤易脱皮者,可采用适当按摩,再配合毛巾热敷的方法(按摩时间每天2分钟~3分钟,力度适中)。热敷后,再以较滋润的护肤品涂抹即可。 3 起红疹、红肿、有刺激感者,需找到过敏原(食品、药物、护肤品、化妆品、
Facial care In the spring, the human face often becomes dry, mainly because of low temperature, sebaceous glands, sweat gland secretion decreased, the lack of moisture caused. At the same time, allergies also occur. Such as redness or peeling skin, and even accompanied by itching and tingling, more serious rash will occur. Nursing methods 1 often red skin and burning sensation, first cold towel with a towel, and then mildly moisturizing cream evenly applied to the face, wait a moment, the phenomenon of redness is reduced. 2 skin easily peeling, can use appropriate massage, and then with the method of hot towel (massage time of 2 minutes to 3 minutes a day, moderate intensity). After hot, apply more moisturizing skin care products. 3 rashes, redness, irritation, need to find allergens (food, medicine, skin care products, cosmetics,