患者,男,18岁。因“生长发育落后10+年,外生殖器及第二性征发育不良3+年”入院。入院查体:身高152cm,体质量52.2kg,体质量指数22.6kg/m~2,腹围80cm,臀围86cm,指间距150cm。心率72 min~(-1),嗅觉正常,无阴毛、腋毛生长,无喉结及变声,外生殖器幼稚型,阴茎长约3cm,睾丸容积1 mL,Tanner分期G1期。实验室检查:患者垂体-肾上腺轴相关激素(促肾上腺皮质激素12.31ng/L,清晨皮质醇175.2nmol/L,24h尿游离皮质醇20.3μg)和垂体-
Patient, male, 18 years old. Because of “growth and development behind 10 + years, external genitalia and secondary sexual dysplasia 3 + years ” admission. Admission examination: height 152cm, body mass 52.2kg, body mass index 22.6kg / m ~ 2, abdominal circumference 80cm, hip 86cm, refers to the spacing 150cm. Heart rate of 72 min ~ (-1), normal sense of smell, no pubic hair, armpit hair growth, no laryngeal junction and voice changes, external genitalia naive, penis length of about 3cm, testicular volume 1mL, Tanner stage G1. Laboratory tests: Patients with pituitary - adrenal axis related hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone 12.31ng / L, early morning cortisol 175.2nmol / L, 24h urinary free cortisol 20.3μg) and pituitary -