强化宏观管理 提高档案工作整体水平

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近几年来,青岛市档案局围绕档案工作要为经济建设服务这个主旋律,注重抓宏观管理,企业、科技事业单位档案工作年年有新起色,整体水平逐年提高。其主要做法是: 一、健全规章,强化政府执法职能 没有规矩,不成方圆,根据青岛市企业、科技事业单位体制改革起步早、动作快、档案工作人员变动频繁等特点,市档案局与有关部门联合制发了《关于兼(合)并、解散、破产、租赁及产权出让企业档案管理暂行规定》、《关于加强企业集团档案工作的几点意见》、《乡镇企业档案管理暂行办法》、《关于科研单位体制改革过程中档案处置的几点意见》;主持起草了《工业企业文件材料整理规程》(山东省地方标准);制定了《青岛市企业档案案卷与检索工具格式》等等。这些规章标准的出台,对于稳定和发展处在我国改革开放前沿的青岛市企业、科技事业单位档案工作提供了可靠保障。 二、摸清家底,开展档案登记工作 In recent years, Qingdao Archives Bureau has focused its attention on the theme of archival work for economic construction and paid attention to macroeconomic management. The archives work of enterprises and scientific and technological institutions has made new achievements year by year, and the overall level has been increasing year by year. The main approach is: First, improve the rules and strengthen the government’s law enforcement functions No rules, not a radius, according to Qingdao enterprises, science and technology institutions reform started early, fast movements, frequent changes in staff files and other characteristics, the Municipal Archives and the relevant departments Jointly issued the Interim Provisions on the Management of Files of Enterprises with Merger, Settlement, Bankruptcy, Leasing and Property Rights, Several Opinions on Strengthening the File Work of Enterprise Groups, Interim Measures for the Management of Files and Records of Township Enterprises, Several Opinions on the Disposal of Files in the Process of Institutional Reform of Scientific Research Units “; presided over and drafted the” Procedures for Consolidating and Dealing with Documentary Materials of Industrial Enterprises “(Shandong Provincial Local Standards); and formulated the” Format of Qingdao Enterprise Archives and Retrieval Tools ". The promulgation of these rules and regulations provides a reliable guarantee for the stability and development of archives work of enterprises and scientific and technological institutions in Qingdao that are at the forefront of China’s reform and opening up. Second, find out the bottom, carry out file registration
哈尔滨市总工会在创先争优活动中,以“共建共享”为主题,紧紧围绕全市改革发展目标,发挥工会系统基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,推进了工会工作。 With the
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。节水高招 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Water-saving trick
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。突发其想 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Suddenly want it