本文论述老子在流沙西的有关问题。说明老子、伊喜等到流沙之西,在容成子 “真圣人之治” 的基础上,建立了“以正之邦”,即《庄子》中的“建德之邦”。这是引发后 人的“理想国”、“乌托邦” 之类的古典社会主义的存在,后来演化成适应时代潮流且富有 特色的国家──于阗国。老子和如来佛曾在此会见,对佛教的发展起了重要作用。“极乐世 界” 的生活原型,乃古代和田的“建德之邦”,“阿弥陀佛” 乃和田老子的幻化。老子在和 田建立“邦之母” 后,可能西行“入大秦”──当时的波斯、雅典等地。
This article discusses the related issues of Laozi in quicksand This shows that Lao Zi and Yi Xi waited until the quicksand of the West. On the basis of Rong Chengzi’s “Rule of the True Sage,” they established the “State of Justice,” or “the State of Jiande” in Zhuangzi. This is the emergence of classical socialism such as “ideals” and “utopias” of the descendants, which later evolved into a country with characteristics unique to the trend of the times - the Yu State. Laozi and Tathagata Buddha met here and played an important role in the development of Buddhism. The prototype of the life of “Paradise” is the “state of Jiande” in Wada of ancient times, and the illusion of “Amitabha Buddha” is Wada Ito. After Lao-tzu established “the mother of the state” in Wada, he may travel westward to “enter the Greater Qin” - then Persia and Athens.