Ministry of Agriculture recently held a national experience sharing straw biogas exchange. The meeting held that using straw as raw material to develop household biogas can not only enable farmers who did not have built-in ponds to use biogas, but also effectively solve the problem of shortage of raw materials for built biogas digesters. The meeting pointed out that the current promotion of household straw biogas technology is mature, a wide range of raw materials, gas production fully, can replace human and animal feces. At the same time, promote the use of straw biogas as straw to find new effective ways to effectively reduce the waste of resources and environmental pollution caused by burning straw, but also to provide high-quality organic fertilizer, fertilize the land and enhance the resilience of crops. Meeting requirements, all localities should push forward with local straw biogas construction, efforts to improve the utilization of biogas and construction effectiveness; to strengthen the construction of biogas service system to improve