目的:了解广州东山、越秀区居民糖尿病(DM)现患状况及危险因素。方法:采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,对被抽中家庭中所有2 0岁及以上常住户口居民,用入户询问、医学体检及实验室检测相结合的方法进行调查,Iogistic回归分析方法筛选糖尿病危险因素。结果:调查775人,患病率为6 .6 %,标化患病率为4 . 4 %,男女患病率分别为4 .2 %和8 .4 %,女性高于男性(χ2 =5 . 4 5 ,P <0 . 0 5 ) ;总患病率和女性患病率随年龄增加而上升(趋势分析χ2 总=34 .4 5 ,P <0 . 0 1 ,χ2 女=4 0 .6 8,P <0 . 0 1 ) ,6 0岁以上年龄组患病率明显升高,以≥70岁组最高;男性无明显年龄变化趋势(趋势分析χ2 男=2 . 2 8,P >0 .0 5 )。logistic回归分析结果显示,与糖尿病密切相关的因素有年龄、性别、文化程度、糖尿病家族史和腰围,OR值分别为1 . 835 ,2 . 348,0 . 6 98,3 4 .84和1 . 792。结论:在糖尿病主要危险因素中,文化程度和肥胖是可干预因素。预防和控制糖尿病需从早期开始,从加强健康教育、预防控制肥胖开始。
Objective: To understand the prevalence and risk factors of diabetes mellitus (DM) in Dongshan and Yuexiu districts of Guangzhou. Methods: A multistage randomized cluster sampling method was adopted to investigate the residents of all permanent residents aged 20 and above who were drawn from families, and the methods of household inquiry, medical examination and laboratory testing were used to investigate. The results of Iogistic regression analysis Diabetes risk factors. Results: A total of 775 people were surveyed with a prevalence of 6.6% and a standardized prevalence rate of 4.4%. The prevalence rates of men and women were 4.2% and 8.4% respectively, higher in women than in men (χ2 = 5 .4 5, P <0.05). The prevalence and the prevalence of female increased with age (trend analysis χ2 = 34.45, P <0.01, χ2 = 40). 6 8, P <0.01). The prevalence rate in the age group of over 60 years old was significantly higher than that of the group of ≥70 years old. There was no obvious age trend in men (trend analysis χ2 = 2.228, P> 0 .0 5). Logistic regression analysis showed that the factors closely related to diabetes were age, sex, educational level, family history of diabetes and waist circumference, with OR values of 1. 835, 2. 348, 0. 698, 34 .84 and 1, respectively. 792. Conclusion: Among the main risk factors of diabetes, education and obesity are intervenient factors. Prevention and control of diabetes need from the early start, from strengthening health education, prevention and control of obesity began.