模糊数学于1965年诞生,它的创始人美国自动控制专家、加利福尼亚大学教授查德(L·A·Zadeh)发表论文“模糊集合”(Fuzzy Set)奠定了模糊数学的理论基础。我国从七十年代后期开始急起直追,目前已和世界发达国家并驾齐躯。实践表明,模糊数学具有强大的生命力和渗透力,它已在很多科学领域得到广泛地应用并取得可喜成果。作者认为,人体特别是处在生长发育阶段的人体乃是复杂的模糊集合体。年龄的大小、个子的高低、体重的轻重、胸围的粗细、肺活量的大小、脉搏的快慢、骨盆的宽窄、视力的好坏……,都是模糊性概念。所谓模糊性,主要是指客观事物差异的中间过渡中的“不分明性”。例如
Fuzzy mathematics was born in 1965. Its founder, American automatic control expert and professor at the University of California, Richard Zadeh, published a paper “Fuzzy Set” to lay the theoretical foundation for fuzzy mathematics. Since the late 1970s, China has started to catch up with the rest of the world. At present, it has been in line with developed countries in the world. Practice has shown that fuzzy mathematics has strong vitality and penetration. It has been widely used in many fields of science and has achieved gratifying results. The author believes that the human body, especially at the stage of growth and development, is a complex fuzzy complex. The age, size, weight, chest thickness, lung capacity, pulse rate, pelvis width, vision quality, etc. are all concepts of ambiguity. The so-called ambiguity mainly refers to the “undiscernibility” in the intermediate transition of the differences between objective things. E.g