根据塞罕坝机械林场总场阴河林场生产经营现有的间伐强度(24.0%、25.9%、38.6%),设置标准地9块并制作解析木9株,对不同间伐强度条件下的华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.)人工林生长状况、生物量及生产力进行了调查研究。结果表明:随着间伐强度的增加,胸径、树高、材积生长量均有明显增加;相同龄组不同间伐强度条件下,林木树干、树皮、树枝、树叶、树根生物量及总生物量有随间伐强度增大而增加的趋势。间伐强度为38.6%的林分树干的含碳量为48.20 t.hm-2,比间伐强度24.0%、25.9%的林分分别大2.81、1.08 t.hm-2,林木碳储量的积累主要在树干部分,大约占总碳储量的50%左右。从生产实际来说间伐强度为38.6%条件下林分平均生产力比24.0%、25.9%间伐林分分别高出4%、5%。针对林场生产经营现有的3种间伐措施来讲,最适间伐强度为38.6%。
According to the existing thinning intensity (24.0%, 25.9%, 38.6%) of the production and management of the Yinshe Forest Farm in the Saihanba mechanical forest farm, 9 standard stands were made and 9 analytical stands were made. Under the conditions of different thinning intensities, The Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. Plantation growth, biomass and productivity were investigated. The results showed that with the increase of thinning intensity, the DBH, tree height and volume growth were significantly increased. Under the same thinning intensity, the biomass of trunk, bark, branches, leaves, roots and total biomass With the thinning intensity increases and the trend of increase. The carbon content of forest tree trunk with thinning strength of 38.6% was 48.20 t.hm-2, which was 2.81 and 1.08 t · hm -2 higher than the thinning strength of 24.0% and 25.9% The trunk part, which accounts for about 50% of the total carbon stock. In terms of production practice, the average productivity of the stands was 24.0% under the thinning intensity of 38.6% and 4% and 25% respectively of the 25.9% and thinning stands. For the existing three kinds of thinning measures in forest farm production and management, the optimal thinning strength is 38.6%.