普通建筑工程行业 期待王者登台

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基于我国固定资产投资(FAI)总额基本上决定了建筑工程的市场规模,近年来国内FAI持续高位促进我国建筑业总产值和利润总额增速在20%的高位波动,景气持续维持高位。在宏观环境和产业政策的有力支撑下,行业规范化、集中化以及综合服务和盈利能力的提升将是大势所趋。 Based on the total amount of fixed assets investment (FAI) in China, the market size of construction projects is basically determined. In recent years, the continuous high level of domestic FAI has promoted the growth of gross output value and gross profit growth of China’s construction industry at a high level of 20%, and the economy has maintained a high level. Under the strong support of the macro environment and industrial policies, the industry’s normalization, centralization, and the improvement of comprehensive services and profitability will be the trend.
摘 要:《故乡》的农民父子书写,表达了鲁迅对“为人生”的启蒙主义理想的复杂情感。《春蚕》的农民父子书写,寄寓了茅盾“为工农”的革命启蒙理想。两者的农民父子书写都体现了作者的精英意识,流露了知识分子用现代都市文明来改造中国社会的欲望。  关键词:农民父子书写 启蒙 “为人生” “为工农” 精英意识  鲁迅和茅盾都是善于书写农村题材的大家,他们的名作《故乡》和《春蚕》成功地塑造了闰土、老通宝和多多头等
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