儿童以机械记忆为主,常常是记性好,忘性大,记得快,忘得也快。家长应针对儿童的这一特点,结合字形结构,帮助孩子记忆,使孩子在充满乐趣中对汉字分解认知,准确记忆。下面介绍10种常见的形式,以供家长在辅导时参考。 1.编歌谣。把一些汉字简单分解,编成顺口易记的歌谣或顺口溜,变枯燥为具体形象,以帮助记忆,如可将“雨”念为一横一门框,一竖在中央,
Children to mechanical memory-based, often good memory, forgotten big, remember fast, forget fast. Parents should aim at this characteristic of children, combined with the glyph structure, to help children remember, make children full of fun decomposition of Chinese characters, accurate memory. Here are 10 common forms for parents to refer to when counseling. 1. Compilation songs. The simple decomposition of some Chinese characters, compiled into easy-to-digest songs or jingle, become boring for the specific image, to help memorize, as can be “rain” read as a horizontal frame, erected in the central,