尽管在血雨腥风的IT市场上制造了那么多的波涛,但位于风暴中心的台湾显示器制造商美格科技执行副总裁俞翠薇却仍给人以外表柔弱、感情平和的女性印象。她曾经拒绝了100万年薪并有车有房的职位,还曾经一肩挑起被困于四面楚歌中的美格科技,但这些征战江湖的传奇,似乎还抵不上她那三年的家庭主妇的幸福生活。回顾起自己以往的商海生涯,俞翠薇只平静地说了一句话:“我其实是一个挺没有生活目标的人,只希望自己能够负责任地去做人。” 尽管也有挫折,也有磨难,但对于俞翠薇来说,如果她自己认为自己的生活是幸福的,这已经足够了。
Despite so many waves created in the bloody IT market, Yu Cuiwei, executive vice president of Metso Technology, a Taiwanese monitor manufacturer in the heart of the storm, still gives the impression of a feminine, sentimental and feminine appearance. She once rejected a million-plus-year salary with a car and a house, but also once stooped Metz trapped in beleaguered technology, but these legendary rivers and lakes, seems to be worth less than her three-year housewife Happy life Looking back at her previous business career in Shanghai, Yu Cuiwei said only calmly: “I am actually a person who has no purpose in life and only wants to be responsible and responsible.” Although there are setbacks and hardships, Yu Cuiwei For her, if she thinks her own life is happiness, this is enough.