伦·拜亚斯(Len Bias)的事件已经过去了25年,但在某些人身上,它的影响并未消失一直到现在,克里斯·瓦什本(Chris Washburn)每一次回想起拜亚斯的离去都会感到后怕,因为那个人极有可能是他自己。就在1986年6月17日、拜亚斯离去的两天前,瓦什本的名字在拜亚斯之后被金州勇士队选中,成为了那一年的探花秀。拜亚斯的母校马里兰大学和瓦什本的母校北卡罗来纳是一对死敌,但这并不能阻碍两所学校中最优秀的球员成为好友。就在选秀大会当天下午,瓦什本还答应拜亚斯,在自己开着新奔驰回老家的途中路经马里兰的时候,会顺路到拜亚斯家看他。但是,瓦什本再见到拜亚斯时,这位好朋友已经变成了一具冷冰冰的尸体。
It has been 25 years since Len Bias’s event but for some it has not disappeared until now, and every time Chris Washburn recalls Baia Sri Lanka’s departure will feel scared, because that person is most likely to be himself. On June 17, 1986, two days before Baas left, Vashban’s name was chosen by the Golden State Warriors after Baias, becoming the third annual talent show. Bayes’ alma mater, University of Maryland and Vashbian’s alma mater, North Carolina, are a close knit but this does not prevent the best players from both schools from becoming friends. On the afternoon of the NBA Draft, Vashbay also promised Baias and will walk to the Baiah home to see him while he drives his new Mercedes back to his hometown through Maryland. However, when Vashbish met Baias again, the good friend had become a cold body.