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手机正逐步成为我们随身的信息终端,“用手机上网”也不再仅仅局限于看看网页,用用聊天软件之类的。越来越多具有丰富在线功能的软件开始出现在我们的手机上,特别是目前智能手机市场的领导者.Symbian和Windows Mobile两座“城”里的用户都有利用手机获取各类资讯的巨大需求。也就是为了满足智能手机用户们这方面的需求,国内有不少手机软件厂商都推出了手机资讯软件,其主要的运行平台就是Symbian和Windows Mobile。其中有些软件具有对应于不同平台的版本,而功能也会有些许的出入。下面我们就分别从Symbian和Windows Mobile两个平台的手机资讯软件当中挑出具有代表性的一个产品。来上演一场“双城记”。注意,《掌讯通》拥有S60、UIQ、Java、Windows Mobile、Palm等各种版本,其各大版本除了Palm版很久没有更新外,其他版本更新较快,功能也相似。而《手机大头》拥有S60、Windows Mobile和Java版。由于本刊之前介绍过《掌讯通》,所以本文在《掌讯通》部分的介绍相对简略,主要介绍其一些新功能。 Phone is gradually becoming our portable information terminal, “use mobile Internet ” is no longer just limited to look at the web, using chat software and the like. More and more software with rich online features is starting to appear on our mobile phones, especially in the current smart phone market. Both users in Symbian and Windows Mobile have access to mobile phones for all kinds of information The huge demand. That is to meet the needs of smart phone users in this regard, there are many domestic mobile phone software vendors have introduced mobile information software, the main operating platform is Symbian and Windows Mobile. Some of these softwares have versions that correspond to different platforms, and functionality will be slightly different. Below we separately from the Symbian and Windows Mobile platform for mobile phone software to pick out a representative of a product. To staged a “double city”. Note, “Palm Info” has S60, UIQ, Java, Windows Mobile, Palm and other versions, its major versions in addition to the Palm version has not been updated for a long time, the other versions update faster, the function is similar. The “big cell phone” has S60, Windows Mobile and Java version. As we introduced before the “Palm Info”, so this article in the “Palm Info” section is relatively simple introduction, introduces some of its new features.
太空,这个浩瀚无垠的世界,千百年来,它一直是人类最远大的梦想。直到1957年,第一颗人造地球卫星升空才划破了太空原有的寂静。 Space, the vast expanse of the world, has
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