为纪念中国人民解放军建军69周年,海军政治部与中国美术家协会在中国美术馆又一次举办了《万里海疆画展》,以庆祝这一光荣的日子。展出的60件油画、国画、版画作品,以鲜明的主题、饱和的色彩,讴歌我军在革命化、现代化、正规化建设中取得的光辉业绩,讴歌新时期以来人民海军的新面貌、新风尚。 海军在中国美协的支持下,已经共同举办了6届《万里海疆画展》,这是从1980年开始至今的一个持续系列。其间出版了5部画集,不少作品参加国内外大展,或获奖或被国家收藏。除开不断推出的联展和个展,作为海军美术创作的整体展示,这个举措,
In commemoration of the 69th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Navy’s Political Department and the Chinese Artists Association once again held the “Wanli Haijiang Art Exhibition” at the China Art Museum to celebrate this glorious day. On the 60 paintings, traditional Chinese paintings and prints displayed on the show, with distinctive themes and saturated colors, they are praising the glorious achievements our army has made in revolutionizing, modernizing and standardizing the construction of the armed forces. They are praising the new look of the People’s Navy since the new era and the new Fashion. Under the support of China Artists Association, the Navy has jointly held the 6th “Wanlihai Art Exhibition”, which is a continuous series starting from 1980. In the meantime, there have been 5 art collections published, many of them participating in domestic and international exhibitions, or winning or being collected by the state. In addition to the continuous introduction of the exhibition and solo exhibitions, as a naval art creation as a whole show, this measure,