和尚岭墓地位于淅川县城南约50公里丹江口水库西岸的龙山脚下,仓房乡陈庄行政村东沟村东南1公里处,西去0.4公里为下寺楚墓群(图一)。1989年,丹江口水库水位下降,和尚岭楚墓被盗。淅川县公安局在仓房乡党委、县文管会的协助下,对盗墓活动进行严厉打击,并收缴了一部分文物,其中有铜编钟、铜方壶、铜簋、铜鼎等。1990年2月28日,河南省文物研究所与南阳地区文物研究所、淅川县博物馆组成考古队,前往抢救性发掘。发掘工作从3月2日开始,至3月19日结束。这次共发掘清理古墓葬4座,其中2座为春秋楚墓,2座为汉墓。现将2座楚墓的发掘情况简报如下。两座楚墓(编号 HXHM 1、HXHM 2)
Monk Shangling cemetery is located 50 km south of Xichuan County Danjiangkou Reservoir West Bank at the foot of Longshan, Cangfang Township Chen Zhuang administrative village Donggou village southeast of 1 kilometer, 0.4 kilometers west to the temple Chu tombs (Figure 1). In 1989, Danjiangkou Reservoir water level decreased, monk Ling tomb was stolen. Xichuan County Public Security Bureau in warehouse warehouse Township Party committees and county textual supervision with the assistance of crackdown on the grave activities, and confiscated part of the cultural relics, including copper bells, copper pots, bronze, bronze tripod. February 28, 1990, Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Nanyang Institute of Cultural Relics, Xichuan County Museum composed of archeology team, to the rescue excavation. Excavation work begins on March 2 and ends on March 19. This time, a total of four tombs were discovered and cleaned up, of which two were the Spring and Autumn Chu tomb and two were Han tombs. The excavations of the two Chu tombs are as follows. Two tomb of Chu (No. HXHM 1, HXHM 2)