写过两篇泛论当前电影喜剧创作的文章后,一直在想,能否再抓些许对当前喜剧片创作具有亟迫意义的专题,深入细致地探讨一下——于是,我想到了“专门家”的问题。 “专门家”者,据词典诠释,即:“对某一学问有专门研究”,或“专门从事某项工作的人”。纵观艺术史,无论哪一种艺术类型,它之所以能取得成就,总是有赖于专门家们的创造和努力。拿喜剧创作说,它的每一个鼎盛期都是和一些专门家的名字联系在一起的。请看:古希腊——克刺提诺斯·欧波利斯、阿里斯托芬;十七世纪法国——莫里哀……同样,提起默片时代电影喜剧的成就,谁能不想到卓别麟、劳埃
After writing two articles that generalize the current movie comedy creations, he has been wondering whether we can take a little more of the topics that are pressing for the current comedy creations and explore them thoroughly and meticulously-so I thought of “ ”The problem. According to the lexicon, “specialist” means: “have a special study of a science,” or “a person who specializes in a particular job.” Throughout the history of art, no matter what type of art it achieves, it always depends on the creation and work of specialists. Take the comedy creation says that every one of its peak is associated with the names of some of the specialists. See: Ancient Greece - C Thorinos Opalis, Aristophanes; the seventeenth century France - Moliere ... Similarly, Mention the silent movie era comedy achievements, who can not think of goodness Lin, Laue