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本刊自去年三月以来,连续刊登了《要坚定不移地推行厂长负责制》、《厂长有权任命中层行政干部》、《要尊重厂长对重大问题的决策权》、《党委要认真行使保证监督权》、《厂长要保障职代会行使民主管理权》、《推行厂长负责制的关键是企业党委》的评论员文章,在工厂企业和广大职工中引起了良好的反响。因为它符合改革、开放、搞活的精神,反映了经济工作部门和企业广大职工的愿望,适应生产力发展的客观要求。去年九月党中央、国务院在总结1984年以来在全国两万多个企业实行厂长负责制经验的基础上,颁发了《全民所有制工业企 Since March last year, the magazine has continuously published “to unswervingly implement the factory director responsibility system”, “factory director has the right to appoint middle-level administrative cadres”, “to respect the director’s decision-making power on major issues”, “ It is necessary to conscientiously exercise the right to supervise and supervise, ”“ the director must guarantee that workers’ congresses exercise the right of democratic management, ”and“ the key to implementing the director responsibility system is the corporate party committees. ”Commentators contributed well to the factory enterprises and workers repercussions. Because it is consistent with the spirit of reform, opening up and invigoration, it reflects the desire of the economic work departments and the broad masses of workers in enterprises to meet the objective requirements of the development of the productive forces. Last September, on the basis of summing up the experiences of director responsibility system in more than 20,000 enterprises across the country since the conclusion of the party Central Committee and the State Council in 1984, the "state-owned industrial enterprises
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内容摘要:《我嫁了一个共产党人》于1998年问世,是菲利普·罗斯的第23部长篇小说。小说以美国麦卡锡白色恐怖时期为背景,描述了大时代中小人物跌宕起伏的一生。本文通过对小说中形形色色的小人物所遭受的背叛进行分析,使人们反思美国现代史上那些黑暗时代的成因以及面对邪恶势力的挤压,人性的惨烈扭曲。   关键词:菲利普·罗斯 《我嫁了一个共产党人》 背叛 迷失   一.引言   菲利普·罗斯是一位出色的犹太