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世纪之交,面对复杂的国际形势和周边环境,认真研究、预测当会世界上唯一超级大国——美国军队武器装备的未来发展,无疑很有现买意义。总的来说,未来20年,即2020年前后,美国在武器装备和军事技术等方面,将会继续保持世界领先。方兴未艾的军事革命浪潮的深化发展将使美军全面步入信息化战争时代,以网络 At the turn of the century, in the face of the complicated international situation and the surrounding environment, it is undoubtedly very meaningful to study and predict the future development of the arms and equipment of the United States Army, the world’s only superpower at a time of serious study. Overall, the United States will continue to lead the world in weaponry and military technology in the next 20 years, that is, around 2020. The deepening development of the tide of military revolution in the ascendant will enable the U.S. military to fully enter the era of informationized warfare, with the network
摘要 李约热是广西壮族作家,目前学术界对其小说创作研究还处于初步阶段。在文学地理学视野之下,地理与文学的关系属性贯穿了李约热小说创作的发生学、创作论和价值指向。其小说以最大程度的亲近地理为基本立场并形成地缘本位,以此为基础,在表意结构之人物形象塑造、故事情节设置、叙事话语和象征结构上,都表征出“接地气”的整体态势。不仅如此,由于李约热将小说控约于冷静的呈现维度,在伦理学之真、善、美在人之自身、人与