对 8~ 10岁儿童甲状腺大小的监测是确定一个地区碘缺乏病病情的重要指标 ,是确定一个地区控制碘缺乏病效果的一个重要依据。 2 0 0 4年通过对江西省碘缺乏病病情监测点之一的芦溪县的病情监测和相应的学生生长发育情况调查 ,我们发现实际的监测结果与现行的《儿童少年甲状腺容
The monitoring of thyroid size in children aged 8-10 years is an important indicator for determining the prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders in an area and is an important basis for determining the effectiveness of iodine deficiency disorders in one area. In 2004, through monitoring the condition of Luxi County and one of the corresponding growth and development of students in Jiangxi Province, we found that the actual monitoring results are in line with the existing "Children’s thyroid capacity