初冬的浦东,乍寒还暖。11月27日上午10时,在高耸入云的东方明珠下,“2004 ‘浦东·三林杯’第八届中国国际龙狮邀请赛”拉开了帷幕。只见广场上一条长龙在龙珠的戏逗下,时而翻腾窜跃,时而滚缠托举,活龙活现,栩栩如生;两只狮子在悦耳激昂的锣鼓声中,活蹦乱跳,神态逼真,可谓龙腾狮跃,热气腾腾。这是由国家体育总局社会体育指导中心、中国龙狮运动协会、上海市体育局、上海市浦东新区人民政府主办的赛事,是首次在被人誉为“龙头”的上海浦东三林举办比赛,摆开擂台,欢迎中外健儿登台竞技的场面,也是三林舞龙从浦东走向世界的见证。
Pudong in early winter, the first cold is still warm. At 10:00 on November 27, under the towering Oriental Pearl Tower, “2004 ’Pudong Sanlin Cup’ Eighth China International Dragon Invitational Games” kicked off. I saw a long square on the square in the Dragon Ball’s play tease, sometimes churning jumped, and sometimes entangled lift, live long live, lifelike; two lions in the melodious sound of gongs and drums, vivid, lifelike, can be described as Dragon Leap , Steaming. This event is sponsored by the Social Sports Instruction Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, the Chinese Dragon-Lion Sports Association, the Shanghai Sports Bureau and the Pudong New Area People’s Government of Shanghai. It is the first time in Shanghai’s Pudong Sanlin, which is hailed as the “Leader” Competition, set aside the arena, welcome Chinese and foreign athletes on stage athletic scene, but also the witness of Sanlin Dragon from Pudong to the world.