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大家都知道,良好的行为习惯会影响人的一生。我认为,养成行为习惯重要,养成良好的卫生习惯更重要。因此,我在教育教学中,我特别注重培养学生良好的卫生习惯,其方法有以下四点:一、强化意识强化学生的卫生意识是培养学生良好的卫生习惯之基础。首先要让学生明白卫生习惯的重要性。可以采用集体学习、分组讨论、笔试抢答、社会调查等多形式多渠道多方法进行。其次班主任要有激情。要通过学生喜闻乐见的方式,创设情景,宣传规范,动之 We all know that good habits can affect people’s life. In my opinion, it is more important to develop a behavioral habit and to develop good health habits. Therefore, I am in education and teaching, I pay special attention to cultivating good health habits of students, and its methods have the following four points: First, to strengthen awareness of health awareness of students is to develop good health habits of students based. First, let students understand the importance of hygiene. Can adopt collective learning, group discussion, written examination, social investigation and other forms of multi-channel and multi-method. Second class teacher must have passion. To be loved by the way students, create scenarios, promote norms, move