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第一次护法运动后短短三年,孙中山的革命思想发生了历史性的嬗变与升华。主要表现在:首次从认识论的高度总结了革命失败的根源;重构了自己的经济思想体系;构建了“五权分立”宪政学说。更可贵的是,他对帝国主义、苏俄革命、工人运动、知识青年等都有了新的认识,“新三民主义”与“三大政策”正在其脑海里孕育。所以能够如此,离不开他本人对失败教训的深刻总结以及对革命出路的主观求变;俄国革命成功既给了他以巨大鼓舞,又为他继续奋斗提供了新的国际盟友;“五四”运动的爆发则让他找到了可以依靠的力量和新的出路。 In the three short years after the first law enforcement campaign, Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary ideas have undergone a historic evolution and sublimation. Mainly manifested in: for the first time from the perspective of epistemology sums up the root causes of the failure of the revolution; restructured their own economic and ideological system; built a “constitutionalism of the separation of powers” constitutional theory. What is even more valuable is that he has gained a new understanding of imperialism, the revolution in Russia, the workers’ movement, and the intellectual youth. The “Three New Principles of the People” and the “three major policies” are being nurtured in their minds. Therefore, being able to do so can not be separated from his own profound summary of the lesson of failure and the subjective change in the way out of the revolution. The success of the Russian revolution not only gave him great encouragement but also provided him with a new international ally so as to continue his struggle. Four "campaign let him find the outbreak of the power and new ways to rely on.