省林学会于一九八二年三月一日,在武昌饭店召开了在汉理事会议.会议内容:1.审议1981年学会工作报告;2.讨论1982年学术活动计划;3.推选参加省科协“二大”会议代表人选;4.讨论本会与林科所合办《湖北林业科技》刊物有关问题.推选编委.出席会议的有方建初、赵天生、刘守绳、吕昌仁、彭运泉、周凌云、毕庶昌、张起华、姜振东、伍必阳、余健普、还有陈志远(代表李明鹤)、黄开朋(代表杜植槐)参加了这次的会议.列席会议的有董纯、赵光柏、戴均华. 省科协学会部吴方模同志应邀出席了这次会议. 这次会议由付理事长、秘书长方建初主
Provincial Forestry Society held a council meeting in Hanwu, Wuchang Hotel on March 1, 1982. The contents of the meeting were: 1. to review the report of the Institute in 1981; 2. to discuss the plan of academic activities in 1982; 3. to select participating provinces Science and Technology Association “second” meeting on behalf of the candidate; 4. To discuss this and Linke jointly organized “forestry science and technology in Hubei Province,” the publication of the relevant issues. Selected editorial board. Attended the meeting Fang Jianchu, Zhao Tiansheng, Liu Shou Sheng, Peng Yunquan, Zhou Lingyun, Bi Shuchang, Zhang Qihua, Jiang Zhendong, Wu Biyang, Yu Jianpu, and Chen Zhiyuan (on behalf of Li Minghe) and Huang Kaopeng (on behalf of Du Zhihuai) attended the meeting and Dong Chun, Zhao Guangbo and Dai Junhua attended the meeting. WU Fangmian Association Association was invited to attend the meeting .This meeting paid by the chairman, Secretary-General Fang Jian primary