吉林省桦甸市第一中学 在积淀与拼搏中腾飞

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吉林省桦甸市第一中学(简称“桦甸一中”)成立于1949年3月27日,与共和国同龄,是目前桦甸市办学规模最大的一所完全中学。现有在校学生3800多人,教职员工201人;其中高级教师26人,中级以上教师136人,具有研究生学历8人;有国家级骨干教师2人,省级骨干教师4人,地区级骨干教师25人,县级骨干教师75人。五十六年的积淀和丰厚底蕴,使桦甸一中形成了自己的办学特色。学校面向全体学生,促进全面发展,培养学生特长,造就全方位多层次人才。桦甸一中人用他们高尚的师德、过硬的业务、精湛的教艺、无私的奉献精神,塑造了完美的形象。他们严守职业道德,不断更新教育理念,与教育教学改革同行。自2001年晋升为省级重点校以来,桦甸一中在德育教育上、教学质量上、学校建设上、校园管理上,每年都上新台阶。“一流的师资、一流的管理、一流的设施、一流的环境”是桦甸一中人追求的目标。现在,学校所有教室、办公室都实现了(电脑+电视)信息化终端环境,安装了ADSL专线网,建立了校园网站。目前,全校有15个科研课题在运行,其中国家级5个、省级3个、市县级7个,有7个课题可在2005年年内结题。不懈地追求,带来教育教学的累累硕果,学校高考、中考成绩令人瞩目。2003年、2004年两届高考升学率均达90%以上,特别是2005年高考,夏晓翠同学获得了660分的好成绩,有28名学生突破了600分大关,郭玉凤等4名学生分别夺得全市单科成绩第一名。这也在桦甸教育史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。 The First Middle School of Huadian City in Jilin Province (“Huedian No. 1 Middle School”) was founded on March 27, 1949. It is the same age as the Republic and is currently the largest secondary school in Huadian City. Currently, there are more than 3,800 students and 201 faculty and staff members; among them, there are 26 senior teachers, 136 teachers of intermediate level or above, 8 with postgraduate qualifications, 2 national key teachers, 4 provincial key teachers, and regional key personnel. There are 25 teachers and 75 county-level key teachers. Fifty-six years of accumulation and rich heritage make Huadian One Form one’s own school characteristics. The school faces all students, promotes all-round development, cultivates students’ expertise, and creates all-round and multi-level talents. One of the Huadian citizens used their noble morality, solid business, superb teaching skills, and selfless dedication to create a perfect image. They strictly adhere to professional ethics, constantly update educational concepts, and go with the education and teaching reform. Since being promoted to a provincial-level key school in 2001, Huadian No. 1 has taken a new level each year in moral education, teaching quality, school construction, and campus management. “First-class teachers, first-class management, first-class facilities, and first-rate environment” are the goals pursued by a middle school student in Huadian. Now, all classrooms and offices in the school have realized a (computer + TV) informatization terminal environment, installed an ADSL dedicated network, and established a campus website. At present, there are 15 research projects in the school running, including 5 at the national level, 3 at the provincial level, and 7 at the county level. There are 7 topics that can be completed in 2005. Relentless pursuit, bringing about the fruits of education and teaching, the school entrance exam, the exam results are eye-catching. In 2003 and 2004, the two college entrance examination rates reached more than 90%. Especially in the 2005 college entrance examination, Xia Xiaocui students scored 660 points and 28 students broke the 600 mark. Guo Yufeng and 4 students won the exam respectively. The city won the first place in the single department. This has also left a deep impression on the history of Huadian education.
近日缅北的局势又开始紧张,各种关于缅北战斗的视频图片在网上频频出现,不少人在视频图片中看到中国武器的身影,那么今天我们就来看看缅北武装装备的都是什么武器。  其中一张西方记者拍摄的克钦独立军士兵举枪瞄准的图片,不少人会对士兵手中拿的那支步枪感到熟悉,没错,就是中国造的81-1自动步枪。这些81式自动步枪有的是缅军手中缴获来的,缅甸曾经从中国进口过一批原装的81式自动步枪。有的是他们自己仿造的,克钦
[失误点击] 一朵娇艳的红花能美得让你惊叹,但把它放在花丛之中,会黯然失色;一片绿叶能绿得逼你双眼,但把它放在森林之中,会变得平淡无奇。同样,一个好的材料,若被放进一堆材