
来源 :中国医疗前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ymhd_hhxx
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目的改善妇女、儿童生存环境,促进妇女、儿童健康发展。方法利用政府行为和卫生干预措施,加大卫生投入,改善卫生服务条件。结果涪城区实施《两纲》中妇女、儿童与健康33项指标中2001~2005年有19项提前达标,占57.6%;基本达标7项,占21.2%;未达标7项,占21.2%。结论孕产妇死亡率明显下降,孕产妇产前检查率、住院分娩率、产后访视率得到提高;儿童保健服务体系健全,儿童身心健康水平得到一定程度的提高。妇女儿童享有卫生保健基本得到满足。但婚前检查率低、住院分娩出生缺陷率上升,其原因可能与取消强制婚前医学检查有一定关系。 Objective To improve the living environment of women and children and promote the healthy development of women and children. Methods Utilize government actions and health interventions to increase health input and improve health service conditions. Results Among 33 indicators of women, children and health in Fucheng District, 19 were fulfilled in advance from 2001 to 2005, accounting for 57.6% of the total. Among them, 7 were basic standards, accounting for 21.2%; 7 were not up to standard, accounting for 21.2%. Conclusions The maternal mortality rate decreased significantly. The rate of prenatal checkup, hospital delivery rate and postpartum visit rate was improved. The health service system for children was sound and the physical and mental health of children was improved to a certain extent. Women and children’s access to basic health care was met. However, the low rate of premarital examination and birth defect rate of hospital delivery increased, the reason may be canceled with the mandatory premarital medical examination have a certain relationship.
本文通过对我校2005届护士生毕业前体检结果 进行分析统计发现,女生因生理卫生知识缺乏和爱美之心引起的贫血、体重低下发生率高,应予以高度重视.
目的:建立一种快速测定人血浆中美托拉宗浓度的液相色谱-串联质谱色谱法,用以研究美托拉宗在健康人体内的药动学。方法:色谱柱:TC-C_(18)(150 mm×4.6mm,5μm),流动相:甲醇:
目的 探讨食物不耐受(FI)与过敏性紫癜肾炎(HSPN)的关系.方法 选取符合HSPN诊断的78例患者为实验组,62例体检健康者为对照组,采用ELISA法分别检测两组血清中14种食物特异性IgG抗体浓度.结果 HSPN患者食物特异性IgG抗体检测的阳性率66.67% (52/78),其中1型71.43%、2型62.50%、3型62.50%、4型66.67%、5型60.00%及6型68.42%,均高
目的 比较早期肠外营养与肠内营养对全胃切除术患者营养、免疫及肝功能状态的影响.方法 选取90例全胃切除术患者为研究对象,将所有患者分为A组(早期肠外营养组)和B组(早期肠内营养组)各45例,比较两组患者干预前与干预后3、10 d的营养状态相关指标、免疫功能指标及肝功能指标.结果 B组干预后3、10 d的营养状态相关指标[3 d:总蛋白(TP)(68.35±3.02) g/L、清蛋白(A) (38.