目前,国内主要高等院校都在进行大学英语课程教学改革,其中主流改革趋势是从通用英语(EGP,English for General Purposes)向专门用途英语(ESP,English for Specific Purposes)。作为新升本院系,黄淮学院应当居安思危,提前谋划并完成大学英语课程教学改革,以便毕业生将来能够找到满意的工作。笔者以黄淮学院国际学院会计专业大学英语课程为例,来证明黄淮学院大学英语教学向通用学术英语(EGAP,English for General Academic Purposes)方向进行改革的必要性。
At present, the major colleges and universities in China are carrying out the teaching reform of college English courses, among which the mainstream reform tendency is from EGP (English for General Purposes) to ESP (English for Specific Purposes). As a newly promoted department, Huanghuai College should be prepared for danger in time to plan and complete the reform of college English teaching so that graduates can find satisfactory jobs in the future. The author uses the HUST College International College Accounting College English Curriculum as an example to prove the necessity of reforming Huanghuai University College English Teaching toward General Academic English (EGAP).