
来源 :公路交通科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moon_pine
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根据我国传统的道路横断面设计习惯,无论多么复杂的边坡形式都由简单的直坡段组成。然而出于景观道路对美观、安全、环保等的考虑,弧形边坡已被逐渐应用到土质边坡、软质岩石边坡公路特别是高等级公路中来。文章基于道路CAD软件开发的需要,文章对圆弧形边坡横断面面积的精确计算方法进行了研究,并根据弧形边坡横断面的几何模型,给出了相应的填、挖面积计算方法及公式。 According to China’s traditional road cross-section design habits, no matter how complex the slope form is composed of a simple straight slope. However, due to the aesthetic, safety and environmental protection of the landscape road, curved slope has gradually been applied to the soil slope, soft rock slope highway, especially high-grade highway. Based on the needs of road CAD software development, this paper studies the exact calculation method of the cross-sectional area of ​​arc-shaped slope, and according to the geometric model of the cross-section of arc slope, gives the calculation method of the area of ​​filling and duging And formula.
“文革”中周总理设联络员  1966年,“文化大革命”发动。各地学生热烈响应号召停课闹革命,红卫兵运动风起云涌,高举造反大旗,踢开党委闹革命。全国党政领导机关相继瘫痪,指挥功能丧失,国家政治经济陷入混乱。党和国家一些领导人忧心忡忡,纷纷为国计民生和国家前途命运担忧。  共和国大管家周总理为防止粮食供应在运动中出问题,9月19日,他指示主管粮食工作的副总理谭震林、李先念,召农垦部萧克副部长到中南海布