如今中学生写作难 ,每到作文时 ,坐在桌前常常是苦思冥想 ,无话可说 ,认为没有什么值得可写的 ,就是咬烂了笔头 ,还是写不出几行像样的文字来 ,导致有些学生怕写作文。当教师的也觉得作文难教 ,况且当前语文教学中对作文加大了考查力度 ,严峻的现实已摆在我们的面前。因此 ,如
Nowadays, it is difficult for middle school students to write. When they are writing, sitting at the table is often thinking hard. There is nothing to say. There is nothing worth writing about, that is to say, I have to write a few lines of decent writing, leading to some Students are afraid of writing. When teachers also feel that the composition is difficult to teach, and the current Chinese language teaching has increased the examination of the composition, the harsh reality has been placed in front of us. Therefore, such as