北京市财政局、国家税务局:根据财政部、国家税务总局《关于对低污染排放小汽车减征消费税的通知》(财税[2000]26号)的规定,北汽福田汽车股份有限公司所属北京福田环保动力股份有限公司生产的福田牌轻型客车,经国家指定的检验中心样品检验和生产一致性审查,达到《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(Ⅱ)》规定的排放标准,检验程序符合财税[2000]26号文件规定的要求。经研究.对北京福田环保动力股份有限公司2001年9月8日以后生产销售的福田牌 BJ6486BIDWA 轻型客车,准予按应纳消费税税额减征30%。文到之日以前应减征的消费税可以办理退税或在以后应交的消费税中予以抵减。请遵照执行。抄送:国家经贸委,国家环保总局,财政部驻北京市财政监察专员办事处,北京市地方税务局,北汽福田汽车股份有限公司,北京福田环保动力股份有限公司。
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, State Administration of Taxation: In accordance with the provisions of the Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Reduction of Consumption Tax on Low-emission Vehicles (Cai Shui [2000] No. 26), Beijing Foton Motor Co., Futian brand light buses produced by EPF Co., Ltd. have passed the inspection and production conformity examination of samples designated by the State and have reached the emission standards set forth in the “Limits and Measurement Methods of Emission of Pollutants for Light Vehicles (Ⅱ)”. The inspection procedures conform to Caishui [2000] No. 26 document requirements. After studying, the Foton brand BJ6486BIDWA light bus manufactured and sold after September 8, 2001 by Beijing Futian Environmental Protection Power Co., Ltd. was granted a 30% reduction on the amount of consumption tax payable. The consumption tax to be reduced before the date of arrival can be refunded or be deducted from the consumption tax payable in the future. Please follow the implementation. CC: State Economic and Trade Commission, State Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of Finance in Beijing Office of the Financial Ombudsman, Beijing Local Taxation Bureau, Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd., Beijing Futian Environmental Dynamics Co., Ltd.