来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amoyzhu
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The dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve of 10 cadavers (20 sides) and 36 patients with dorsal scapular nerve compression were studied anatomically. The origin of the dorsal scapular nerve of a section frequently shared a common trunk with the long thoracic nerve, and went through the sealenus medius anterointernally and posterolaterally with the presence of some tendinous tissues. Leaving the long thoracic nerve, it might give branches to the shoulder and the subaxillary region and finally have the branches join the long thoracic nerve again. The compression of the section near the origin caused discomfort and sourness of the neck, shoulder and back region. Clinically, the severance of the scalenus anterior and medius ameliorated or relieved the compression of the dorsal scapular nerve. Complete decompression required cutting of the scalenus medius and its tendinous tissue superficial to the dorsal scapular nerve. Among 24 sides of 22 patients undergoing surgery, the symptoms of 20 sides of 19 The dorsal scapular nerve and long thoracic nerve of 10 cadavers (20 sides) and 36 patients with dorsal scapular nerve compression were studied anatomically. The origin of the dorsal scapular nerve of a section frequently shared a common trunk with the long thoracic nerve, and went through the sealenus medius anterointernally and posterolaterally with the presence of some tendinous tissues. Leaving the long thoracic nerve, it might give branches to the shoulder and the subaxillary region and finally have the branches join the long thoracic nerve again. The compression of the section near the origin caused discomfort and sourness of the neck, shoulder and back region. Clinically, the severance of the scalenus anterior and medius ameliorated or relieved the compression of the dorsal scapular nerve. Complete decompression required cutting of the scalenus medius and its tendinous tissue superficial to the dorsal scapular nerve. Among 24 sides of 22 patients undergoing surgery, the symptoms of 20 sides of 19
我们在爱情的世界里来去匆匆,得到爱情,又错失爱情,遗憾之余,你还能找回你的爱情吗?  和情人一起去热闹的嘉年华,结果却在熙熙攘攘的人群中与对方走失,偏偏这个时候手机又没电了,你会怎么办?  A.在附近找个可以休息的地方,等对方回来找你  B.在人群里穿梭,主动去找对方  C.先边走边逛,说不定待会儿就和对方碰到一起了呢  D.去服务处求助,让他们在广播里寻人  解析:  A. 选择这个选项的朋友,
Acute interruption of arterial blood flow to the extremities is often associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Broad spectrum mitogenic and non mit