来菲律宾之前就听朋友说起Josephine Restaurant的故事,温馨而甜蜜:祖父开起了一家餐厅,用祖母的名字“Josephine”命名,店内经营的菜品都是祖母专门为祖父煮的,也是祖父最爱的佳肴。于是,菲律宾之行便将Josephine作为必不可缺的一站,虽然它并不在马尼拉市区,还要专门驾车前往。汽车往南驶出马尼拉城区大概一个多小时后,便抵达以火山湖闻名的大雅台(Tagaytay)。盘山路上就可以远远望见深谷中雾气缭绕的塔尔湖(Taal Lake),湖的中央是世界上最小的活火山——
Speaking to friends before the Philippines to talk about the story of Josephine Restaurant, warm and sweet: grandfather opened a restaurant, named after his grandmother’s name “Josephine ”, the store operating dishes are grandmother cooked exclusively for grandfathers, grandfather Favorite cuisine. As a result, Josephine made Josephine an indispensable stopover, although it was not in downtown Manila but also drove specially. More than an hour after the car sailed south of Metro Manila, it arrived at Tagaytay, famous for its volcanic lakes. Panshan Road, you can see from afar in the fog-filled Taal Lake (Taal Lake), the central lake is the world’s smallest active volcano -