一九八○年吉林省戏曲汇演大会,是粉碎“四人帮”以来我省第一次戏曲创怍、演出的检阅盛会,仅小戏就演出四台十一个剧目。纵观这些小戏,题材广泛,内容丰富,形式新颖,风格多样,无论在思想性方面,还是在艺术质量方面,都有很大提高,主要有这样几个突出的特点: 第一,写农村题材的小戏占多数,生活气息浓厚,具有强烈的时代感。目前,我国农村正在经历着一个极其
In 1980, the drama performance conference in Jilin Province was the first review event of drama creation and performance in our province since the smashing of the “gang of four,” and only four operas were performed in the drama. Throughout these mini-operas, the topics are extensive, rich in content, novel in form and diverse in style, both in ideological aspects and in the quality of art. These have all been greatly improved. There are mainly several prominent features as follows: First, Small majority, life strong, with a strong sense of the times. At present, our country’s countryside is experiencing an extreme