1 育苗1.1 浸种、催芽播种前把纯净种子先用1%的甲醛溶液浸泡20分钟,用清水反复冲洗干净后再用20℃~30℃的水浸种12小时。捞出种子置20℃~25℃的条件下催芽。催芽期间每天用20℃~25℃的温水冲洗种子1~2次,冲后沥去多余的水分继续催芽。约3~4天,30%的种子露白时即可播种。
1 seedling 1.1 soaking, germination before sowing pure seeds first soaked with 1% formaldehyde solution for 20 minutes, rinsed repeatedly with water and then soaked in water for 20 hours at 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ for 12 hours. Remove the seeds set at 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ under the conditions of germination. Germination period with daily 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ warm water rinse seeds 1 to 2 times, rinsed to drain excess water to germination. About 3 ~ 4 days, 30% of the seeds can be planted when exposed to the white.