Research on an Intelligent Decision Support System for a Conceptual Innovation Design of Pumping Uni

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liganggg1
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Attention is concentrated on how to perform the innovative design during the process of pumping unit conceptual design, and how to enhance design efficiency and inspire creativity. Aiming at the shortages of conceptual design, introducing the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) into the mechanical product design for producing innovative ideas, and using the advanced computer-aided technique, the intelligent decision support system (IDSS) based on TRIZ (TRIZ-IDSS) has been constructed. The construction method, system structure, conceptual production, decision-making and evaluation of the problem solving subsystem are discussed. The innovative conceptual design of pumping units indicates that the system can help the engineers open up a new space of thinking, overcome the thinking inertia, and put forward innovative design concepts. This system also can offer the scientific instructions for the innovative design of mechanical products.
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