由Dominique Perrault Architecte与Steiner联手提交的洛桑理工大学研究楼设计方案在2011年的国际竞赛中脱颖而出,建筑包括4层教学、办公空间,1层放置基础设备的地下空间,总面积高达1.9万m2。立面设计上,两种不同的建筑风格通过相同的材质达到统一。北侧立面复制了临近建筑的立面样式,表达了建筑师对历史遗产的致敬;而覆盖建筑东、西、南侧立面交错起伏的金属表皮则展现了机械工程的魅力,增添了现代气息。预制金属网模块的样式和尺寸则根据校园历史规划尺度比例而定。金属网模块分为内外两层,内层起保温隔热及隔音作用,外层则沿用了DPA标志性的金属网格结构,细密的纹理可过滤掉刺眼的直射阳光。三扇竖向的嵌板可由智能控制系统调节,根据天气状
The design of the Lausanne Institute of Technology building presented by Dominique Perrault Architecte and Steiner stands out from the international competition in 2011. The building consists of 4 levels of teaching, office space and 1 basement of underground space with a total area of 19,000 m2. Facade design, the two different architectural styles through the same material to achieve unity. The northern façade replicates the façade style of the neighboring buildings and expresses the architect’s tribute to the historical heritage. The staggered metal skins covering the east, west and south façade of the building show the charm of mechanical engineering and add modernity breath. Precast metal mesh module style and size according to the proportion of campus planning scale. Metal mesh module is divided into two layers inside and outside, the inner layer from the thermal insulation and sound insulation, the outer layer followed the DPA iconic metallic grid structure, fine texture can filter out dazzling direct sunlight. Three vertical panels can be adjusted by the intelligent control system, according to the weather