圆山遗址位于湖北洪湖市新隄镇东北16.5公里处。东南与香山紧邻,东北与汪家山、余家山、邓家山相望。现属洪湖市乌林镇(图一)。遗址于1979年发现,以后又经数次调查,确认该处为一新石器时代晚期遗址。在圆山山坡及周围山沟中采集到陶器、石器等遗物170余件,其中陶片居多。现择要介绍如下。 1.陶器有90余件,多经轮修。主要是泥质陶,其中尤以灰陶为最,其次为夹砂红陶。另外,泥质红陶、夹砂灰陶也各占一定比例。泥质
Yuanshan site is located in Honghu City, Hubei Province, 16.5 km northeast of the new embankment. Southeast and Xiangshan next to the northeast and Wang Jiashan, Yu Jiashan, Tangshan across. Now Hongwu City Wu Linzhen (Figure I). The site was discovered in 1979, and after several investigations, it was confirmed as a Neolithic site. More than 170 pieces of pottery, stoneware and other relics were collected from the hillsides and the surrounding ravines. Most of them were pottery. Now choose to introduce as follows. 1. There are more than 90 pieces of pottery, more than the wheel repair. Mainly muddy pottery, especially gray pottery is the most, followed by sand sand pottery. In addition, mud terra-cotta, sand-grained clay also each account for a certain percentage. Mud