目的了解维吾尔族中学生膳食因素对体质量指数(BMI)的影响,为少数民族地区学校开展营养健康干预提供理论支持。方法随机选取乌鲁木齐、喀什各2所中学,每所中学在初一至高三年级各随机整群抽取2个教学班级,共调查48个班级,班级内全体1 682名维吾尔族中学生作为调查对象,对其进行问卷调查。结果新疆维吾尔族中学生男生超重率为19.79%,女生为12.75%;男生肥胖率为10.76%,女生为7.67%。维吾尔族男女生的超重肥胖检出率差异有统计学意义(χ~2=23.106,P<0.01);维吾尔族中学生在14和15岁年龄段男生、女生超重肥胖检出率差异均有统计学意义(χ~2值分别为6.348,6.423,P值均<0.05)。经常加餐的维吾尔族中学生超重、肥胖比例均高于不经常加餐学生,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=12.435,P<0.01)。维吾尔族中学生蛋类、肉禽类、谷物类摄入量与超重肥胖检出率呈正相关(r值分别为0.332,0.412,0.395,P值均<0.05),维吾尔族中学生水果、蔬菜的摄入量与超重肥胖检出率呈现负相关(r值分别为-0.058,-0.065,P值均<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,加餐、能量、脂肪、肉禽类是维吾尔族中学生超重肥胖的危险因素,蔬菜摄入是其保护因素(OR值分别为1.752,2.045,1.082,1.599,0.713,P值均<0.05)。结论维吾尔族中学生膳食行为和摄入食物种类对BMI均有影响,应进一步改善维吾尔族中学生膳食结构。
Objective To understand the influence of dietary factors on body mass index (BMI) among Uighur middle school students and to provide theoretical support for nutrition and health intervention in schools in ethnic minority areas. Methods Two middle schools in Urumqi and Kashgar were randomly selected. Each secondary school randomly selected two teaching classes from the first to the third grade, and 48 classes were investigated. Among all the 6882 Uyghur middle school students in the class, Questionnaire. Results The male overweight rate of Uyghur middle school students in Xinjiang was 19.79% and the female students was 12.75%. The male obesity rate was 10.76% and the female students was 7.67%. The detection rates of overweight and obesity in Uygur boys and girls were significantly different (χ ~ 2 = 23.106, P <0.01). There was statistical difference in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Uyghur middle school boys and girls at 14 and 15 years Significance (χ ~ 2 values were 6.348,6.423, P values were <0.05). The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Uighur middle school students who had regular meals was higher than that of those who did not eat regular meals. The difference was statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 12.435, P <0.01). Uighur middle school students, eggs, meat and poultry, cereal intake and overweight and obesity detection rate was positively correlated (r values were 0.332,0.412,0.395, P values were <0.05), Uygur middle school students of fruits and vegetables intake Negatively correlated with the detection rate of overweight and obesity (r = -0.058, -0.065, P <0.05 respectively). Logistic regression analysis showed that diet, energy, fat, meat and poultry were the risk factors of overweight and obesity in Uighur middle school students, and vegetable intake was the protective factor (OR = 1.752,2.045,1.082,1.599,0.713, P < 0.05). Conclusions The dietary behaviors of Uighur middle school students and the type of food intake have an impact on BMI, and the dietary structure of Uighur middle school students should be further improved.