世上的万事万物,都有利有弊。人生也一样,既有顺心的时候,也有烦恼的时候。不然,古人就不会感叹“不如意事常八九”了。 但是,同样是人,对人生的态度却大不一样。有的怨天怨地,自报自弃,混一天算一天,看不到人世的乐趣;有的则泰然处之,因势利导,从不虚度一天,活得有滋有味。究其原因虽然复杂,但有一点却很显然——那就是,后
Everything in the world has its advantages and disadvantages. The same is true in life, when there is a time of comfort and trouble. Otherwise, the ancients would not sigh “not as good as often 89”. However, the same people, their attitudes toward life are quite different. Some complain that they complain, confuse one day, can not see the joys and sorrows of this earthly world; while others are calm and have the best of the best, never spend a day, live with nourishment and taste. The reason is complex, but one thing is clear - that is, after