我们战黄河, 我们战淮河, 微山湖水今又荡洪波。渔歌飘扬,渔火闪烁, 保卫家乡,保卫祖国, 打得鬼子无处躲。在战火纷飞的年代,在百里微山湖上,在荷花芦苇丛中,活跃着一支神奇的队伍,飞荡着这支脍炙人口的《洪波曲》。这就是当年坚持抗日斗争的微山湖游击队, 他们的大队长就是威震微湖,让日寇闻风丧胆,被誉为“湖上神鹰”的张新华同志。张新华,原名张运海,1909年出生在微山湖畔夏镇三孔桥村的一个渔民家庭。他于1932年国难当头时参加革命,同年7月加入中国共产党,改名张新华。在他的影响下,他两个哥哥家的六位亲人参加了八路军和游击队,有两人献出了宝贵生命。他动员乡亲们拉起抗日武装,同铁道游击队、运河支队一起并肩作战,机智勇敢,神出鬼没,打得敌人心惊胆战,在微山湖区流传着许多带有传奇色彩的故事,令人至今难忘。
We fight the Yellow River, we battle the Huaihe River, Weishan Lake now swing Hongbo. Fishing song fluttering, fishing flicker, defend the hometown, defend the motherland, playing devils nowhere to hide. In the war-torn era, Barry Weishan Lake, in the lotus reeds, active with a magical team, flying this win universal praise song. This is the Weishanhu guerrillas that insisted on fighting Japan’s war of resistance against Japan. Their chief of captain is Meiksehoo Lake, which makes the Japanese invaded and courageous. It is known as Comrade Zhang Xinhua. Zhang Xinhua, formerly known as Zhang Yunhai, was born in 1909 in Weishan Lake Town, a village of three holes in a fisherman’s family. He joined the revolution in the wake of the 1932 national crisis, joining the Chinese Communist Party in July of the same year, and renamed Zhang Xinhua. Under his influence, six relatives of his two brothers’ families joined the Eighth Route Army and the guerrillas, and two of them sacrificed their lives. He mobilized villagers to pull up their anti-Japanese armed forces, work side by side with the railway guerrillas and the canal detachments, and were brave and brave. They fought the enemy with fright. Many legendary stories circulated in the Weishanhu area, making them unforgettable today.