1993年10月30日,电视教学片《杂交水稻超高产制种新技术》(中、英文版)在湖南问世,即将向国内外发行. 杂交水稻之父袁隆平担任该片首席科学家顾问,并题写了该片名,同时他还在序言中写道“……我深信在这一套比较完整的先进技术的帮助下,杂交水稻的制种产量一定能再上新台阶,”
On October 30, 1993, the TV teaching film “New Technology for Super High Yielding Hybrid Rice” (Chinese and English versions) was released in Hunan and will be released to the world at home and abroad. Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, served as chief scientist consultant and wrote the title In the preamble, he wrote: "... I am convinced that with the help of this relatively complete set of advanced technologies, hybrid rice will surely reach a new level of seed production.