Cell Signaling in Viral and Oncogenic Pathogenesis and Its Implications in Disease Diagnosis and Pro

来源 :中山大学学报(医学科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chjj1988mm
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Both viral diseases and cancer account for a large proportion of serious health problems. Viral infection and cancer are biologically and medically correlated and in many ways share common cellular pathways that lead to disease development or progression. Better understanding how these signaling events are specifically activated by different pathogenic stimuli and how they activate different downstream transcriptions in response to these stimuli at high specificity and efficiency will provide a new molecular basis for the development of novel disease biomarkers and therapeutic or preventive targets against both classes of diseases. Research in our laboratory has been prompted to investigate the regulation and modes of action of these pathways, with a more intensive focus on the NF-κB signaling, in the settings of severe or oncogenic viral infection as well as cancer development. It is hoped that our research will lead to eventual clinical application of biomarkers derived from these signaling pathways. Both viral diseases and cancer account for a large proportion of serious health problems. Viral infection and cancer are biologically and medically correlated and in many ways share common cellular pathways that lead to disease development or progression. Better understanding how these signaling events are specifically activated by different pathogenic stimuli and how they activate different downstream transcriptions in response to these stimuli at high specificity and efficiency will provide a new molecular basis for the development of novel disease biomarkers and therapeutic or preventive targets against both classes of diseases. Research in our laboratory has been prompted to investigate the regulation and modes of action of these pathways, with a more intensive focus on the NF-κB signaling, in the settings of severe or oncogenic viral infection as well as cancer development. It is hoped that our research will lead to eventual clinical application of biomarkers derived from these s ignaling pathways.
天天,坊间语就是日子,过日子。像每天的日头一样,朝云又晚霞,晨起又夕落,没个间断。也像时间的钟表,从零点归行到零点。  天天是人的轨迹,人活多大,都是天天过来。天天安,才能一生安;天天做,才得一世功。中国汉字“天”,亘古造字就是正面人形,《说文》谓“大象人形”。中国文化“天人合一”的始出即在这里。它既是说人与四季天时的自然应合,也是讲人的每一天,早中晚夜,需合时日。  世界、天地、家国、万千事,都
目的:观察MCF方案对中晚期大肠癌的近期疗效及毒副作用.方法:45例患者给予MMC 10mg/m2,静脉推注,第1天,CF 80mg~120mg/m2,静脉滴注2 h,5-Fu 400 mg~600 mg/m2静脉滴注持续12 h,第1天~第5天,每3周重复.结果:CR4例(8.9%),PR13例(28.9%),总缓解17例(37.8%);毒副反应主要为口腔黏膜溃疡、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、白细胞减少;
《蔡轩琐记》中的《人心难足歌》:“终日奔波只为饥,才得足食又思衣。衣食若还多充足,洞房芩冷便思妻。娶得妻来鸳被暖,奈何送老恐无儿。有妻有儿双双乐,终日思量屋舍低。人心似海何时满?奈何阎罗下帖追。”  清代东阁士阎敬铭写的《不气歌》使人猛悟:“他人气我我不气,我本无心他来气。倘若生病中他计,气下病来无人替。请来医生将病治,反说气病治非易。气之危害太可惧,诚恐因气命要去。我今尝过气中味,不气不气真不气
小街上有位老中医,号称“陈一针”,91岁了还每天上午坐堂行医,下午与人下棋、散步或在家里静静地看书。他在我们当地很有名,提起“陈一针”,远近人都知道。  “陈一针”是人送的名,因为他治咽炎只需在患者咽喉处用银针扎一针就行,乃是一绝。我母亲的老胃病,我的肝炎,我妻的咽炎,都是这位老中医治好的。他的医术高,他在为人的修养方面也不一般。一次我去他那里看牙病,他正在和一名患者说病,可我听他好像是在和患者讲
◇少言语养真气 少言语是指说话要戒急戒快戒喋喋不休。真气又叫“正气”,人体各种机能活动以及抗病能力都和真气相关,故真气是人体生命活动的动力。一个人若经常喋喋不休大声叫喊,就必然要消耗肺气,影响呼吸器官的正常功能,致使体内正气不足,外邪趁虚而入而百病丛生。有些人追求刺激,群聚一起搞恶作剧以取乐,狂呼乱叫,嬉笑不已,只会损精耗气,使人精神飞驰,血气流荡,变生他疾。  ◇戒色欲养精气 戒色欲,指的是房事