当阿根廷足球队在1996年奥运会上手捧公平竞赛奖杯荣耀地走下赛场的时候,他们比赛中的丑陋一面似乎终于成为了历史的尘埃。 说到阿根廷足球应该提一提1994年世界杯,阿根廷人在这一届世界杯上的表现可以说是无可挑剔。即使在巨星马拉多纳因服用兴奋剂而遭禁赛之后,阿根廷人依然没有丧失斗志,向世人展示了其南美足球的艺术之美。在亚特兰大奥运会上,阿根廷人依旧值得赞颂,他们过关斩将,赢得了银牌。其比赛的球风与球技无不令世人赞叹。 然而同样是阿根廷人,在今年4月份的世界杯足球预选赛中重新显露出了其丑陋的一面,那就是在以前的世界杯足球赛中曾沾污了他们艺
When the Argentine soccer team walked away gloriously with the fair play trophy at the 1996 Olympics, the ugly side of their game seemed to have finally become the dust of history. When it comes to Argentina football should mention the 1994 World Cup, Argentina’s performance in this session of the World Cup can be described as impeccable. Even after the superstar Diego Maradona was banned from doping, the Argentine still showed no signs of losing their fight and showed the world the beauty of South American football. At the Atlanta Olympics, Argentines still laudable, they pass, won the silver medal. The game’s style of play and skills all make the world praise. However, the Argentines also rediscovered their ugly side in the World Cup qualifier in April this year, which has contaminated their art in previous FIFA World Cup matches