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在年龄这个问题上,龟兔赛跑中的小乌龟永远是我们的好榜样。当你跨过25岁的门槛,岁月开始在你的脸上也开始在你的心里留下淡淡的烙痕,你开始感到如临大敌。眼角的鱼尾纹、失败的相亲会、工作的小差错……甚至是让人感同身受的肥皂剧成为了引发恐慌的导火线。25~35岁,在强烈抵制恐怖的“熟女时代”过早到来的前提下,“轻熟女”一词的出现仿佛让你找到了温情的归宿,没错,在轻熟女的光环下,你大可以跳脱年龄赋予的枷锁,扮演“小荷才露尖尖角”的姿态,在这个美好的季节,以轻为本,以熟为辅,让阅历变成一种财富。在这个职场魅力的黄金分割岭上,show出最打眼的自己吧。 On the issue of age, the tortoise and the tortoise running the turtle will always be our good role model. When you cross the threshold of 25 years old, the beginning of time in your face began to leave a faint mark in your heart, you began to feel the enemy. The crow’s feet on the corner of my eye, the blind date of the blind date, the slightest mistake at work ... Even soap operas that make people feel empathy have become the trigger of panic. 25 ~ 35 years old, in a strong boycott of terror “Mature era ” premature arrival, “light Mature woman ” appears as if you find the warmth of the fate, yes, the light Mature aura Next, you can jump off the yoke given by age and act as a gesture of “Xiao Xiao was sharply pointed.” In this beautiful season, taking light as the basis and supplemented by the familiar, turning experience into a kind of wealth . In this attractive career of the Golden Section Ridge, show the most eye-catching it yourself.
谁说非得过年过节的时候,我们男人才能给自己买样东西?只要你喜欢,随时都可以去刷卡。购物虽然是女人的天性,但并不是她们的专利。或者,我们可以坐在家里等着她们送…… Who
①血渍用肥皂水或酒精加水揉洗。②青草渍用1杯清水加215克盐的溶液或肥皂酒精溶液或含有少量氨水的温肥皂水揉洗。 ① blood stains with soapy water or alcohol rubbing
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