
来源 :西南交通大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsssml1990
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很长时间以来人们对新文学作品的版本研究不够重视,已有的成果或研究视角单一、或不成系统、或缺少文本学意义的开拓,而《新文学的版本批评》建构了适合新文学版本批评研究的理论体系,反思并颠覆了以往新文学史写作的理念,强调文学史家在对作品版(文)本进行梳理的基础上,让“副文本”参与文学史叙述,以此重构新文学史。这种治史法注重“副文本”意义、版本变迁史、观念语词意义滑变的阐释,丰富了正文本的意义,拓展了文学史写作空间。论著还从版本学、创作学、阐释学等视角对《雷雨》、《天国春秋》等代表性版本演变的谱系及其所引起的文本价值、艺术的变化进行了校评,发掘了文学作品的深层意蕴。 For a long time people did not pay enough attention to the version study of new literary works. The existing achievements or research perspectives were singular or non-systematic or lacking in the development of textual meaning. However, “version criticism of new literature” Criticizing the theoretical system of research, reflecting on and overturning the previous concept of new literary history writing, and emphasizing that literary historians take “secondary texts” in the narration of literary history on the basis of sorting out the edition of works, Construction of new literature history. This kind of historical law pays attention to the explanation of the meaning of “subtext”, the history of the version change and the change of the meaning of the concept words, which enriches the meaning of the text and expands the writing space of the history of literature. On the other hand, the essay also reviews the pedigree of the evolution of representative versions such as Thunderstorm and the Spring and Autumn Annals of Heaven from the perspectives of version, creation and hermeneutics, as well as the changes in the value of the texts and the resulting art, Deep meaning.
一、选择题 表1为2005年联合国城市研究机构发布关于日本、沙特阿拉伯、泰国、英国等四国的城市化水平表。完成1~2题。