创作不同于制作。制作紫砂壶.只要拜师学艺.掌握基本操作要领.反复练习.重复制作,手巧一点,不 出几月.茶壶就可以做得像模像样.就能成为一名制壶工匠。紫砂艺术的创作人员则需要有传统的制作基 础.要掌握美学的法则,要增强各方面的文化素养.其中包括文学、诗歌、书法、绘画等等。 也许有人会说.供春和时大彬们,皆为乡间艺人.能读过多少书?陈鸣远等是否就掌握了美学法则?他 们照样能创作出传世的经典之作.为人们所称颂、所膜拜,并代代传习模仿.经久不衰。不错.在他们那个年
Creation is different from making. Making teapot. As long as apprenticeship. Master the basic operating essentials. Repeated practice. Repeat production, dexterity, not a few months. Teapot can do a good job. Can become a pot maker. Zisha artists need to have a creative production base. To grasp the law of aesthetics, we should enhance cultural awareness in all fields. Including literature, poetry, calligraphy, painting and so on. Maybe someone will say. Dabin for Spring and the time, are all country artists. How many books can I read? Chen Mingyuan whether to grasp the aesthetic law? They can still create the handed down classics. People praise, worship, and imitation from generation to generation. Enduring. Not bad In their year